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Streaming Furious 6 2013 Film!

Streaming Online Furious 6 (2013)

  • MOVIE page: Furious 6 (2013)
  • Rate: 7.6/10 total 78,225 votes 
  • Genre: Action | Crime | Thriller
  • Runtime: 130 min
  • Filming Location: Mersey Tunnel, Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UK
  • Budget: $160,000,000 (estimated)
  • Gross: $228,618,155 (USA) (21 June 2013)
  • Director: Justin Lin
  • Stars: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson | See full cast and crew
  • Original Music By: Lucas Vidal   
  • Soundtrack: Con Locura
  • Sound Mix: SDDS | Dolby Digital | Datasat
  • Plot Keyword: Criminal | Deception | Scene During End Credits | Vending Machine | Kidnapping
Writing Credits By:
  • Chris Morgan (written by)
  • Gary Scott Thompson (characters)

FAST & FURIOUS 6 - Official Trailer HD - Vin Diesel, Paul Walker Fast & Furious 6 Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Vin Diesel Movie HD Fast & Furious 6 Official Final Trailer (2013) - Vin Diesel Movie HD Fast & Furious 6 - 2013 Official Trailer Fast & Furious 6 Official Super Bowl Spot (2013) - Vin Diesel Movie HD 

Goofs: Continuity: During the chase with the tank, the same Toyota Corrolla can be seen in a few different shots throughout the scene. It's not possible for it to be in all those places at the same time.

Plot: Hobbs has Dom and Brian reassemble their crew in order to take down a mastermind who commands an organization of mercenary drivers across 12 countries. Payment? Full pardons for them all. Full summary »  »

Story: Since Dom (Diesel) and Brian's (Walker) Rio heist toppled a kingpin's empire and left their crew with $100 million, our heroes have scattered across the globe. But their inability to return home and living forever on the lam have left their lives incomplete. Meanwhile, Hobbs (Johnson) has been tracking an organization of lethally skilled mercenary drivers across 12 countries, whose mastermind (Evans) is aided by a ruthless second-in-command revealed to be the love Dom thought was dead, Letty (Rodriguez). The only way to stop the criminal outfit is to outmatch them at street level, so Hobbs asks Dom to assemble his elite team in London. Payment? Full pardons for all of them so they can return home and make their families whole again. Written byUniversal Pictures

Synopsis: Since Dom (Diesel) and Brians (Walker) Rio heist toppled a kingpins empire and left their crew with $100 million, our heroes have scattered across the globe. But their inability to return home and living forever on the lam have left their lives incomplete.

Meanwhile, Hobbs (Johnson) has been tracking an organization of lethally skilled mercenary drivers across 12 countries, whose mastermind (Evans) is aided by a ruthless second-in-command revealed to be the love Dom thought was dead, Letty (Rodriguez). The only way to stop the criminal outfit is to outmatch them at street level, so Hobbs asks Dom to assemble his elite team in London. Payment? Full pardons for all of them so they can return home and make their families whole again........ Streaming Full Movie..

Produced By:

  • Vin Diesel known as producer
  • Alexander Dostal known as line producer
  • Neal H. Moritz known as producer
  • Clayton Townsend known as producer
  • Samantha Vincent known as executive producer

FullCast & Crew:
  • Vin Diesel known as Dominic Toretto
  • Paul Walker known as Brian O'Conner
  • Dwayne Johnson known as Hobbs
  • Jordana Brewster known as Mia
  • Michelle Rodriguez known as Letty
  • Tyrese Gibson known as Roman
  • Sung Kang known as Han
  • Gal Gadot known as Gisele
  • Ludacris known as Tej (as Chris 'Ludacris' Bridges)
  • Luke Evans known as Shaw
  • Elsa Pataky known as Elena
  • Gina Carano known as Riley
  • Clara Paget known as Vegh
  • Kim Kold known as Klaus
  • Johannes Taslim known as Jah (as Joe Taslim)
  • Samuel M. Stewart known as Denlinger
  • Benjamin Davies known as Adolfson
  • Matthew Stirling known as Oakes
  • David Ajala known as Ivory
  • Thure Lindhardt known as Firuz
  • Shea Whigham known as Stasiak
  • Andrei Zayats known as Russian Officer
  • John Ortiz known as Braga
  • Jason Thorpe known as Snobby Auctioneer Organizer
  • Huggy Leaver known as Pawn Shop Owner
  • Alexander Vegh known as Forensic Analyst
  • Magda Rodriguez known as Secretary
  • Andy Pointon known as Terry
  • Victor Gardener known as NATO Commander
  • Sol de la Barreda known as Doctor
  • Estrella Lorenzo known as Nurse
  • Francois Philippart de Foy known as Nurse
  • Carolina Pozo known as Nurse
  • Elvira Tricas known as Nurse
  • Jhony Mendez known as Santiago
  • Revil Beat known as Benito
  • Sarah Yan Li known as Lead Chinese Agent
  • Lizandro Leon known as Costa Rica Happy Man
  • Sonia Hernandez Fumero known as Hot Girl
  • Pilar Mayo known as Hot Girl
  • Lee Asquith-Coe known as Sgt Sheldern (uncredited)
  • Jin Au-Yeung known as Jimmy (uncredited)
  • Mark Badham known as CO19 Officer (uncredited)
  • Dean Barlage known as English Driver (uncredited)
  • Paul Blackwell known as Armed Response Unit (uncredited)
  • Lee Bolton known as Police Chase Pedestrian (uncredited)
  • Jonathan Brooks known as Civilian (uncredited)
  • Siong Loong Choong known as Businessman (uncredited)
  • Leon Corbin known as Shopper (uncredited)
  • Max William Crane known as Baby Jack (uncredited)
  • Lee Craven known as Civilian (uncredited)
  • Gioacchino Jim Cuffaro known as Auction Punter (uncredited)
  • Catherine Delaloye known as Beautiful Girl (uncredited)
  • Rowena Diamond known as Hot, Sexy Girl (uncredited)
  • Amy Forrest known as Hot, Sexy Girl (uncredited)
  • Michael Hagen known as Arguing Couple (uncredited)
  • Lewis James known as Police Chase Pedestrian (uncredited)
  • Baron Jay known as Federal Agent (uncredited)
  • Denis Khoroshko known as Businessman (uncredited)
  • Stephen Marcus known as Davies (uncredited)
  • Alex Martin known as Braga's Thug (uncredited)
  • Allistair McNab known as DSS Soldier (uncredited)
  • Rita Ora known as Racer (uncredited)
  • Diezel Ramos known as DSS Soldier (uncredited)
  • Deborah Rosan known as Model (uncredited)
  • Eddie Ruben known as Subway Commuter (uncredited)
  • Glen Stanway known as Interpol Agent (uncredited)
  • Jason Statham known as Ian Shaw (uncredited)
  • Julian Stone known as Voice Actor (uncredited)
  • Bao Tieu known as Crowd (uncredited)

Production Companies:

  • Universal Pictures (presents)
  • Relativity Media (in association with)
  • Original Film
  • One Race Productions (as One Race Films)
  • Etalon film

MPAA: Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action and mayhem throughout, some sexuality and language

Furious 6 (2013) Review by moviewizguy from United States
While most franchises lose their steam with each succeeding sequel, theFast and the Furious franchise is that rare exception where its laterfilms breathe in new life into the series. Once a franchise about carracing, "Fast Five" took an unexpected turn as a bank heist thriller inthe vein of Steven Soderbergh's "Ocean's 11," a welcomed change as seenby its huge box office earnings and critical success. Now, "Furious 6"is neither about car racing nor bank heists, but rather a terroristthreat with obvious inspirations from "The Dark Knight." Like "FastFive," the results are immensely satisfying and undeniablyentertaining.

The key to the franchise's upward turn in quality is due to directorJustin Lin. He is a skilled action director, and many filmmakers canlearn a few things or two from him: The action sequences areimpressive, engaging, comprehensible, and well-shot, with practicaleffects to boot. There is a sense of danger, verve, and life in thesescenes rarely found in other films, despite how over-the-top andridiculous they may be; and yes, they often drift into gratify-defyingterritory. While I usually don't react out loudly when Streaminging a film,this film had me gasping, jaw dropping, laughing, and applauding,sometimes all at once!

Another ingredient to the film's success is the chemistry between thecast members. We have grown to love these characters over the course ofthe series that one cannot help but cheer on for them. In particular,Tyrese Gibson and Ludicrous have such a terrific rapport with eachother that they provide some of the film's biggest laughs and memorableone-liners. Additionally, Luke Evans is definitely a step up above theprevious film's antagonist, and Gina Carano provides some greatass-kicking moments, although not much performance-wise. On anothernote, I want to mention how refreshing it is to see minority actorsfill these roles. Certainly, the film's use of a diverse ensemble castshould be commended. As for the story, it's nothing special, but I dareyou not to act surprised when several plot twists are revealed; I didso more than I would like to admit.

If there's one thing to learn about this franchise, it's that somechange can be a good thing. While the later sequels do focus away fromthe car racing, they still featured cars, which helped retain old fanswhile bringing in new ones. "Furious 6" is terrific entertainment, andjudging by yet another dazzling cliffhanger and the audience'sreaction, "Fast & Furious 7" will be an amazing finale for the series.Unfortunately, Justin Lin won't be back around for the lastinstallment, but someone please get this man to direct every and allupcoming action flicks.

Furious 6 (2013) Review by carl-walster from United Kingdom

This will contain MAJOR spoilers, so readers beware. Fast and Furious 6just went off its rails, scrap that - it completely flew off its rails.This film turned utterly ridiculous to the point where I am leftthinking "why?" There was no need for the film to pan out how it did.The first part (and I should point out) main bulk of the film wasenjoyable, trying to track down Letty whilst working alongside the veryman trying to stop them previously (Hobbs) offered something new andinteresting and it made for some interesting moments. This part of thefilm I felt was good, even if they did practically ignore the car sideof things. It's like they tried to force some stuff in there about thecars but then they never even showed what the cars actually where, oranything about the flipper car which was actually quite interesting.The first car sequence in the film they all used BMW 5 series? (This ismajor spoilers from now on) Why, if Riley is Shaw's girlfriend wouldshe be ordered practically to her death throughout the whole film?There was a whole massive fight scene with Letty and herself, surely ifthey was working together that fight just didn't need to happen sinceno one was even there but those two see it. So they just had a fightfor no reason. Why would Riley chase Letty so vigilantly? She couldhave let her get away without getting herself thrown down some concretestairs. They forced this twist in the film for some reason. Then forthe main car chase in the film / action sequence, Shaw's team capture a"convoy" which is just a truck and two jeeps. I can't fathom how stupidthis actually is because not only does this tiny convoy have a hugelypowered tank inside, it also has the chip worth "billions" and is adanger to everyone etc. Yet this convoy, of MILITARY personnel isincapable of protecting this vital piece of equipment. Men trained inwarfare are treated like pawns which the criminals just shrug off withease. Did I mention the military was aware Shaw's team was there,Shaw's team notorious for their driving ability and capture of convoysand yet this tank and lorry are just casually driving along with whatmay as well be no protection at all? Why? Why didn't they make theconvoy seem stronger and actually include some intelligent action herefor the capture of the tank? Then they actually capture this tank andShaw's team are now military experts who know exactly how to controlthis tank. They needlessly kill dozens of innocent people by crushingthem to death and no one even seems fazed by it. Now if a tank wascaptured in this way, who would come in to stop it? Not Dom and Brian.The rest of military would. Utterly ridiculous but I accept that is howthe film works so I don't hold that against the film too much - that isjust your typical mindless action movie stuff. It would have been muchmore interesting if the military got involved alongside the teamthough. Then it happens. The corniest moment I have ever seen in anyfilm ever. Letty is catapulted over the edge of a huge bridge; she isflying through the air to her certain death. But wait! Dom thencatapults himself from the other side of the bridge (there is a gap inthe middle) catches her in mid air and lands perfectly onto a car tobreak their fall. Why does this scene have to exist? It's awful, fromthis moment on the film goes rubbish. This moment, is where I think thedirector/producer/writer went on holiday and no longer cared.

They capture Shaw at this point and he then reveals his team have takenMia hostage. Fair enough, that's a decent ending and seems like it hasset up for the next film perfectly. But no, Hobbs pulls a gun out andtells everyone how they are going to put loads of other lives at riskto save one person (Mia) by giving Shaw his chip and letting him go.The film then moves onto what is quite possibly the most unrealisticaction scene ever recorded in Hollywood. Shaw has casually organised acargo plane to pick them up from this military base. Where the hell didthis cargo plane come from, an unauthorised huge military cargo planeShaw just happens to have ready, and also access to a military baserunway. This scene is meant to be about Shaw getting away. I'm not toosure on the science here but, if I am driving at 150mph onto a planemoving at 140mph will my car nice and gently stop when I get on theplanes ramp? Or will my car suddenly shoot forwards from momentum andsmash into the insides of plane. Honestly I'm not too sure butanyway... They kill Gisele for seemingly no reason and no one evencares. They don't even rush back to find her, they just accept she isdead. Likely she is but if you are Han in this situation do you standthere and accept it? Shouldn't he be getting in a car and rushing towhere she fell to find her... Not to mention this huge plane explodedright next to everyone and no one was even that bothered by it. Justeverything about this last scene I disliked, probably because it wasjust so unnecessary to begin with. They should have just ended the filmwith Owen Shaw being captured, then have Ian Shaw (Statham) break himfree at the start of the next film. Instead they plonked this lastridiculous action scene in there just because the producers felt likeit needed it. It really didn't. Film started off good then just wentoff the rails. 5/10.

Furious 6 (2013) Review by fritzlang from Durham, NC USA
I still can't believe I am giving a 9.0 to a film that is #6 in abrainless action franchise!

I am not aware of any other franchise (except maybe, strangely enough,f13) where #6 is the best of the series. Normally the energy,creativity are gone by then.

Not this time.

I simply cannot believe how much I enjoyed every single minute of thisfilm!

There was even a decent plot!! (hey, for a film that is basically madeup of fast cars, explosions and fight scenes, that says a lot!)

However, I won't go into the plot - because there are some REAL twistsin it, and it is better to go in with a fresh mind.

It does help if you have seen the prior 5, but no sweat if you haven't.

What really pleasantly surprised me was how funny this film was!! Iwould say about 1/2 the film was gut splitting comedy. It is rare thatmost jokes work in a film. Usually some fall flat. Not in this one!every single joke worked. I laughed so hard that I know I missed some!

This is really meant to be seen on the big screen with a large crowd. Ican't remember the last time so many people laughed, went 'WHOA!" and"yeah" even clapping during a film!

The film starts off with a bang and ends with a post-ending that willmake you grin from ear to ear.

The film deals with criminals who are obsessed with fast cars and liketo create mayhem with their cars.

Wall to wall action, comedy with just the right amount of drama andlove interest.

This could be "the" measurement for the brainless-feel-good-summer-action film.

The only reason I am not giving this a 10.0 is because 1) it was alittle long.. the final scene was almost a movie in itself (but it wasa hoot!), and 2) in general I don't think any film is perfect. In somescenes (thankfully only a few) there were too many close ups that madeit a little hard to follow the action. But I am really nitpicking here,folks.

If you like action, fast cars, explosions, comedy....

run, don't walk to see F&F 6.

(and this from a guy who has the Seventh Seal and Alexander Nevsky inhis DVD collection)

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