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Streaming Nordvest 2013 Film!

Free Download Nordvest (2013)

  • MOVIE page: Nordvest (2013)
  • Rate: 7.5/10 total 344 votes 
  • Genre: Action | Crime | Drama
  • Runtime: 91 min
  • Filming Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Budget: DKK 12,600,000 (estimated)
  • Director: Michael Noer
  • Stars: Gustav Dyekjr Giese, Oscar Dyekjr Giese, Lene Maria Christensen | See full cast and crew
  • Plot Keyword: One Word Title | Copenhagen Denmark | Neighborhood | Real Life Brothers Playing Brothers | Brother Brother Relationship
Writing Credits By:
    (in alphabetical order)
  • Rasmus Heisterberg 
  • Michael Noer 

NORDVEST TEASER TIFF 2013 - Nordvest (Northwest) - Trailer Monte Carlo anmelder NORDVEST NORDVEST musikvideo af BABA BLACK NORDVEST 20 sek spot 

Plot: 18-year-old Caspar wants to reach the top, no matter what. He carries out small-time break-ins for Jamal... See more »  »

Story: 18-year-old Caspar wants to reach the top, no matter what. He carries out small-time break-ins for Jamal, before moving on to work for big player Bjrn. All goes well, until Jamal's gang decide they want revenge. What starts with pushing and shoving soon escalates into armed conflict. This is a big test for Caspar: is he ruthless enough for this battle? And will he drag his younger brother into it? Written byChristina

Synopsis: Northwest is one of the most impoverished multi-ethnic areas of Copenhagen. 18-years-old Casper lives in Northwest with his mother, younger brother and his little sister. Casper struggles to make ends meet based on selling stolen goods to one of the neighborhood pack leaders. When organized crime hits Northwest the hierarchy of the neighborhood shifts and Casper is offered a chance to climb the ranks. Soon he is hurled into a world of drugs, violence and prostitution and as things escalates, his childhood playground becomes a battlefield. Consequently Casper finds himself and his family dead center in a conflict that threatens to destroy them.

Northwest is a film about youth crime, the price of greed and a rootless, young man's longing for a sense of belonging and to show the world hes a real man.The film is about Casper who, for his own gain, drags his younger brother Bastian into organized crime to get the young king and childhood friend Jamal down with his neck. But power is not something you g....... Streaming Full Movie..

Produced By:

  • Rene Ezra known as producer
  • Maj-Britt Paulmann known as line producer
  • Tomas Radoor known as producer
  • Henrik Zein known as executive producer

FullCast & Crew:
  • Gustav Dyekjær Giese known as Casper
  • Oscar Dyekjær Giese known as Andy
  • Lene Maria Christensen known as Olivia
  • Annemieke Bredahl Peppink known as Freja
  • Nicholas Westwood Kidd known as Robin
  • Roland Møller known as Bjørn
  • Dulfi Al-Jabouri known as Jamal
  • Ali Abdul Amir Najei known as Ali
  • Sandra El-Hussein known as Irem
  • Clement Black Petersen known as Theis
  • Marina Vorobyeva known as Sofia
  • Jelena Bundalovic known as Petra
  • Sisse Navntoft known as Gitte
  • Irina V. Babenko known as Escort Girl 1
  • Monika Paula Fasula known as Escort Girl 2
  • Kevin Andersen known as Kenneth
  • Michael Rasmussen known as Bagsværd
  • Habib Kaliffen Moutran known as Kaliffen
  • Peter Zandersen known as Kim Hansen, Police Officer
  • Carsten Hartmann known as Police Officer 2
  • Niels Thanild known as Police Officer 3
  • Sulayman Saidy known as Muhammed / Boys Gang
  • Mahdi Abdul Amir Najei known as Muhammed / Boys Gang
  • Hussein Abdul Amir Najei known as Muhammed / Boys Gang
  • Jacob Wagner Guldager known as Alpha Male / Rich Kids
  • Morten Sabroe known as Alpha Male / Rich Kids
  • Nick Philip Engel known as Alpha Male / Rich Kids
  • Oliver Altman known as Alpha Male / Rich Kids
  • Philip Lotko known as Alpha Male / Rich Kids
  • Paw Terndrup known as Police Officer 1
  • Merete Sveistrup known as Karen, Lawyer
  • George Sengore known as George
  • Hamza Al.Jaburi known as Jamal's Father
  • Gabriella Ravn known as Irem's girlfriend

Production Companies:

  • Nordisk Film Production
  • Danmarks Radio (DR)
  • Det Danske Filminstitut

Nordvest (2013) Review by JvH48 from Amersfoort, The Netherlands
I saw this movie at the Rotterdam film festival 2013 (IFFR), where itwas part of the Bright Future section. It is a story around 18 year oldCaspar, who starts modestly as a burglar stealing valuables orelectronic equipment on demand. He has a fixed "contract" with Jamal,who buys the loot from him. However, Caspar has plans to scale up, andgradually comes to terms with tough guy Björn. He gets accepted inthose circles, and assigned more and more responsible tasks. All isgoing well and according to plan, until the moment that Jamal decidesto have his revenge. This gets out of hand very soon, and you hardlycan expect a smooth escape out of this situation, and thus assume a notso very happy end.

The film is named after Northwest, a suburb district of Copenhagen(Denmark). Not only because of a strong reputation of youth crime, thisarea was also chosen for a simple practical reason: it was open enoughto let the film makers in and to cooperate with them. Much knowledgeabout the neighborhood was acquired by asking around and talking withlocals living there. The director made documentaries before, and thiswas the usual method of operations for him. Moreover, they really triedto blend in while shooting, by living in the apartment (together withmom and kids) that was used in the film as decor.

The information in the previous paragraph was gathered from a final Q&Awith the film makers, a considerable subset of them present with thescreening. It was the 2nd screening ever, on the day immediatelyfollowing the world premiere in Sweden. Some of the crew were stillrecuperating from a hangover, but answered as best as possible onquestions from moderator and audience. From the Q&A we also learnedthat none of the actors is educated as such, but most of them playedbefore in movies or TV series. The way this director makes movies isworking without a detailed script, leaving much improvised. The sceneand setting is rehearsed before the shooting, but what actually happensafter the camera switches on, is merely ad-hoc and left to the actors.

All in all, an interesting plot, giving some insight in how thecriminal mind works, and opening lots of opportunities for even sointeresting developments. Maybe also a bit about second generationimmigrant Jamal versus native Björn, and upholding respect from theirrespective gangs?? Apart from portraying street violence and youthgangs, the story is also about the impact that this dangerous way ofliving can have on family relationships. It is really a "way of living"to survive in such circumstances, and not always easy to keep yourfamily out of it, be it to repair the damages when you come homewounded, or when people are waiting for you outside to collect money orhave an argument. And it gets easily from bad to ugly by throwingthings through the window, or even threatening to set the house onfire.

The festival visitors gave an average score of 4.268 (out of 5),thereby ranking it 21st (out of 178) for the audience award. As far asI'm concerned, this film maker shows indeed a Bright Future, deservedlyput in the festival section with that name.

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